Certified people


IPMA Level A-D

VZPM Vendor

You are facing a major procurement challenge and are aware of the importance of your future partner's competence in project and programme management. You want to know the strengths and weaknesses of your suppliers in order to be able to take advantage of opportunities and minimise risks. Our experts - all of whom have many years of experience in project and programme management - will carry out the assessment for you and make recommendations.

Competence check of suppliers

VZPM services and results

We support you already in the preparation phase to assess the competences of your future supplier in project and programme management:

  • Create a procedural concept for assessing the competences of the suppliers
  • Specify information to be submitted by the suppliers with the offer
  • Create tools for the assessment of the competences

After receipt of the offers we will carry out the following checks and work for you:

  • Check incoming information for completeness and integrate it into evaluation documents
  • Formulate questions for reference collections and interviews
  • Obtain references and insert them in assessment documents
  • Conduct interviews with selected persons on the part of the suppliers and evaluate the statements

Once all the information received has been documented and assessed, we draw up an evaluation report for each supplier with the following focal points:

  • Topics to be regulated in the contract with the future supplier
  • Recommendations for your supplier
  • Recommendations for you or your company

Finally, we present the results to you on site. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions.

If the assessment of the competence of the suppliers does not go far enough for you, there is the possibility to have your own project personnel assessed.

Why with the VZPM?

The VZPM and its assessors have many years of experience in assessing the competence of companies and individuals involved in project, programme and portfolio management. As a certification body, the VZPM is neutral and independent in its approach. In addition to an analysis of existing competences, the potential for development or improvement and the measures to be introduced are also highlighted. This puts you in a position to positively influence the success of your project or programme at an early stage.

The Standards of IPMA®, the International Project Management Association, define all conceivable criteria for assessing the competence of suppliers and their personnel:

Benefits for your company

Three objectives in particular are pursued with the competence check of the suppliers:

  • The suppliers' competences in project and programme management are assessed.
  • The strengths and weaknesses of your future partner in project and programme management are known.
  • The measures for exploiting opportunities and minimising risks on the part of the purchaser are defined.

For you and your company, the following benefits result from the competence check:

  • The results of the competence check are included in the overall assessment of the supplier.
  • You have knowledge about your future partner in the implementation of your project and can influence the success in a more targeted manner.
  • The strengths and weaknesses of your partner are already known at the beginning of your project and can be taken into account when setting the project.
  • You know the potential for development and improvement and can influence its exploitation from the very beginning.
  • The maturity level of your partner in the management of projects and programmes is increased.
  • You know how and where you need to influence your partner.
  • You increase the chances of a successful management of your project and thus the success of the project in general.

Price and contact person

The price is based on your concerns. We would be pleased to submit you a concrete offer. If you are interested, please contact us to arrange a non-binding meeting. Your contact at the VZPM is Jean-Pierre Widmann.